Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School

Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School Life at Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School


Welcome to Birkenshaw C.E. (C) Primary School

Thank you for visiting us! We pride ourselves on providing a caring, supportive and effective learning environment where children in our care can flourish and strive towards their full potential. We hope you enjoy browsing the website.




Lunch menu:  Week 1


9.15am Owl class to take part in pre bikeability workshop

10.50am Robin class to take part in pre bikeability workshop

Year 2 PE day

Year 3 PE day

Year 6 PE day

1.00pm Community police officer in school to talk to YR5&YR6

2.50pm Rev. Emily to lead whole school Collective Worship

3.15pm-4.15pm Choir, YR4-YR6 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.15pm Homework club, YR3-YR6

3.15pm-4.15pm Velocity dodgeball club, YR1-YR3 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.15pm Wellbeing club, YR5&YR6 (selected pupils)


Safer Internet day

FOBs Care to Share day! Chocolate bars £1 (max 3 per child)

8.40am-9.00am Early bird reading for REC, YR1&YR2

9.15am-11.00am YR5&YR6 Girls football team competition at Charlton Bolling (selected pupils)

Reception PE day

Year 1 PE day

Year 4 PE day

3.15pm-4.15pm Art club, YR3&YR4 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.00pm Year 4 Maths intervention group (selected pupils)


9.00am Forest school session (Owl class)

Year 1 PE day

Year 3 PE day

Hawk PE day

No Year 4 swimming (Kangaroo class)  - Cancelled 

1.00pm Forest school group session, YR1-YR3 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.15pm Velocity dodgeball club, YR4-YR6 (selected pupils)


Mrs Sunderland rehearsal

Year 5 PE day

Year 4 Ukulele music lesson (Koala class)

3.15pm-4.15pm Bricktopia Lego club, YR1-YR6 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.15pm Strive Cheerleading club, YR2-YR6 (selected pupils)

3.15pm-4.15pm Year 6 Maths intervention group (selected pupils)

4.00pm-4.15pm Strive Cheerleading performance (parents invited)

6.30pm-9.00pm Mrs Sunderland concert


Purple Heart Day! (Non-uniform - wear something purple)

Year 2 PE day

Owl PE day

1.05pm KS2 Celebration assembly in KS2 hall (parents invited)

2.50pm REC & KS1 Celebration assembly in KS1 hall (parents invited)


School closes for the half term holiday and will re open on Monday 24th February.